And So it began

"ONCE UPON A TIME"....there came along this little lump...insignificant really when you compare it to the entire world of lumps. That is, right up to the point that it wasn't...insignificant I mean............... and so began my journey.

A NEWER SHADE OF I more then SURVIVE...I am learning to THRIVE...

OF COURSE... we all know things are bound to get a little crazy with a surprise around most every corner...not to mention an assortment of bumps and bruises along the way...but I am ever thankful for them all...they have all made me who I am. So buckle up, hold on tight and enjoy the ride thru what I lovingly refer to as LIFE

Monday, December 19, 2016


As we sit yearly and watch or read the story of Christ’s birth we are inwardly shocked, annoyed, surprised, astounded…even judgemental of all those many Inn keepers of Bethlehem and their blatant disregard for Joseph and especially his VERY pregnant Mary.  How could someone just turn them away…don’t they realize who it is at the door?  “I would NEVER have done that!!!”  I would have surly kicked someone out and found even a small room for them.  But would we have?  Do we today?  Aren’t we as guilty as those Inn keeper of being caught up in our hectic overstimulated lives and find not a spare minute for anything spiritual…those simple basic moments of a prayer or a verse of scripture. Do we not get so focused on our lives that we don’t really look at those around us? Think of 3 places you have been today and try to remember something about the person that was next to you. Maybe…just maybe…it’s not so surprising that those busy Inn keepers didn’t REALLY see who was at their door either.  What does the sign on your personal Inn say?

Here is the one place that Santa has the lead…sadly.  I can’t think of a single person who forgets about Santa…ever. 

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