Well....where to begin?!?!?!? It has been
more than a few months since I touched base with anyone and sadly that means my
blog family as well. It has been a long and difficult 18 months for us
and Random Wisdom.....but so worth every second as she and Spitt were able to
finally get hitched the end of March....it was 16 months after they filed the
immigration papers.
As you can
imagine...once we got those papers we went in to "max
overdrive" She and I were gone with in 3 wks and I wasn't back home
until the middle of April then gone again the 1st of May for a "sisters
get away" for a week (which can I just say was AMAZING!!!!)...we are so
far apart in ages and live in multiple countries so this was the first time we
did this....I sure REALLY hope it isn't the last. So you can see by the
time I got home in May....I was a total write off. The change in stress
on all of us is a beautiful thing....no more hurry up and wait for the coin to
drop. What is most important is that they are very happy and loving the
life they are creating together.....no not a baby....just their
life....seriously people!!! (and they missed all the tornados this
season). She has had to wrap her head around the fact that she has had 2
months of 100+* weather and summer has just barely started.
I have come to the conclusion that my nasty little
friend "The Troll" is just turned into "the gift that keeps on
giving" Every time I turn around something else is wrong, or sore,
or not working like before ...and don't even get me started on the nausea and
taste buds issue. In theory it should be all back to normal by now but
then they remind me I am that .1% so there really is no answers or time frames
they can give me on most stuff. It is incredibly frustrating but I am
getting used to just "living with it"....it is what it is and it can
either ruin my life and run me or I can live my life and refuse to let it have
control....I am proud to say 99% of the time I win. I can’t say I have done very well where my
left wrist is concerned. It has been
EXTREMELY sore to the point of not being able to use my left hand at all since
NOV. I have been to doctors, emergency
room, specialists and no one can really figure it out. I have one more specialist in July then ….I
think I my just gnaw it off at the elbow!!!!
It feels like it’s broken in multiple places but at the last xray my
bones looked perfect…I got nothing….I just know how bad it gets and I think I
am a pretty tough old bird but let me tell you….one wrong move and the pain
will drop me to my knees and open the tear flood gates. Oh well….I guess time will tell….only 30 more
sleeps til the specialist appointment….argg!!!!
I have gotten my self organized and gotten hooked
on some new projects and the days just fly by. I have been re-bitten by
the Genealogy & Family History bug....BIG TIME!!!! I have been
starting to piece my family together from my 2nd Great-Grandpa down
thru each of his children and their children so we can have a full and complete
picture of our family tree. So far in the last 6 wks I have found 58
family members and been able to put families back together. It is SUCH
fun work and so rewarding. I also spend 1 day a week indexing….usually
150 records (reading old hand written records and typing them up so they are
available to others who are searching for family) I have been doing that for a
few years (census, military, probate & estate records, etc) It has sure help me in being able to read old
records with bad penmanship….there is a lot of that. I also feel like I am able to give back to
all those other indexers that have made records available for me to find.
A little “Pay it forward”