And So it began

"ONCE UPON A TIME"....there came along this little lump...insignificant really when you compare it to the entire world of lumps. That is, right up to the point that it wasn't...insignificant I mean............... and so began my journey.

A NEWER SHADE OF I more then SURVIVE...I am learning to THRIVE...

OF COURSE... we all know things are bound to get a little crazy with a surprise around most every corner...not to mention an assortment of bumps and bruises along the way...but I am ever thankful for them all...they have all made me who I am. So buckle up, hold on tight and enjoy the ride thru what I lovingly refer to as LIFE

Thursday, July 19, 2012

     Here I sit today....less then 24 hours from my first Oncology appointment and kind of at a real loss. I am armed with a list of questions....sadly, they are only questions for me that I don't have any answers to...

.....What do you ask? What isn't automatically covered in this first meeting...test, surgeries, procedures, treatments? What am I wanting to get a "heads-up" about (I ALWAYS have to have all my ducks in a row...just in case)? What am I gonna kick myself about cause I forgot to ask (as soon as I step out of the office)?  Not all questions just naturally jump into my head at the most convenient times...actually it's pretty hit and miss really....sometimes completely out of the blue... You see my problem?????.....I guess this is what I am trying to say....  

(You are told you are gonna have to get out of your chair & learn how to walk.... Now understand that you have never seen someone actually have heard that lots of people do one ever really talks about it and what it will involve other then it isn't gonna be easy and even hurt a bit.... The only advice you get is...."be sure you have your big list of questions all ready"!! ... I am sure they mean besides the obvious common sense ones that I would assume get answered as they give you info.)

    So you can see....I am feeling pretty frustrated!!! Funny thing is that I am frustrated at what I see as a real lack of preparation and readiness for this appointment...NOT with the cancer itself. I really have never asked "Why me?"..."What did I do wrong to deserve this"..."Why am I being punished?" "Why did God let this/cause this to happen?" I have, from the start beeen really okay with this and continue to feel that way. That whatever I need to go thru (needles included ....YUCK!!!) He is always with me and will make it bearable (not to be confused with easy) and I will come thru the other side so much more then I am now.

      I have decided that someone needs to create a "Things to ask your doctor" list of all those things we should ask...if we knew we had a question....(?s=info....or info=?s).....all goes back to that blasted chicken and the egg theory....argg!!!


     I have (for my own sanity...and lousy memory) put together a "The Boob Book"....The List of appts, contacts, test results, and all the rest of the papers/info from the doctor. My plan is that it is gonna become my left arm....(VoR is my right one)....for keeping all this schmutz organized...ya...we will see how long this plan works...but I am ever the optimist so here's hoping....just sayin....
 **Things are continuing to move along quite quickly as far as the medical feel is concerned...I have a MRI for Monday that they just called and booked for me...sweet!!!