Let me put in my personal disclaimer....
I LOVE CAPS!!! (and exclamation
points. brackets and multiple little dots)
PLEASE DO NOT assume this
means I am yelling or mad!!! I am a just a tad "old school" (some
would argue more than a tad) and so I use them for emphasis and cause the font choices
here SUCK. I use them when I am excited, annoyed or feel passionately about
something….or when I just want to get your attention. These (….) little babies I
use a TON cause I seem to have trouble finishing a sentence…cause I tend to
just let my thoughts ramble.
Now....that being said (cleared up)....I saw this
video clip and I tend to agree with what I think they were trying to say....sadly….in
their attempt to “re-personalize” this disease...
I feel they missed the mark: http://www.nfb.ca/film/pink_ribbons_inc_trailer
I feel that quite often we (society
as a whole) have lost sight of the real focus and have allowed ourselves to get
all swallowed up by this big "Pink Monster" (and all the big business
that goes along with it) forgetting that we are real women, each of us in a
battle for our lives...& yes, even our boobs themselves. Unless you are touched personally....or by
someone you love, it is all about the pink ribbons. Now having said that, don't
get me wrong....to quote someone brilliant...
“Sure money is
being made, but like everything in life it takes money to make money. Research,
education, support, etc., costs money and corporations don't do anything unless
they will make something too. It's a trade off in my opinion.” (Empress of Awesomeness)
It Really comes down to, they
are gonna play football anyway...let them wear pink runners and raise some
cash, you are going to buy a phone....why not make it pink, Avon is still going
to sell product...let them donate some earnings...trust me...my list could go
on, but you get my point.
I KNOW this is a journey that
each of us was thrown on, without ever asking our permission, giving us a
choice, or an "easy" button to hit. All we have is what we are graced
with and who we surround ourselves with. I know that as I have I stepped onto
this path I have felt my Savior's loving arms envelope me and fill me with the
peaceful assurance that I do not take a single step along this journey alone.
He is here to guide and direct me through the rough road ahead and I have true
faith in Him and His plans for me.