Well....as luck would have it.....
On the upside....we are taking care of this little Breast Cancer (bc) TROLL before he can really start recruiting more trolls to join this party. The biggest downer....having time to visit all the family I wanted it to since my trip was so fast. They all understand (as I knew they would) but a bummer all the same.
But the cancer calls - as it will continue to do in its effort to disrupt/destroy/overrun, even steal my life...IT WILL NOT HAPPEN....maybe inconvenience me here and there but that is all the power I am will to give it… I can't even begin to know how impossible this all would be if I felt like I was all alone and thought the "grim reaper" was hanging over my head....even knowing that the majority of women survive and thrive after this....it would weigh so heavy in the back of my mind and I know my resolve and head space would constantly be fighting the feeling of "just biding my time waiting for the worst". My heart goes out to any of my BC sisters who are in that space....you are in my prayers.
I am so blessed to know that the Lord has a plan for me and that I can go thru anything because I know He is here with me and that He has already felt every second of what I will go thru while he was in the Garden of Gethsemane. It is humbling to know that He felt all of my pains, sickness, and sins that I would face in this life and it often makes me stop and think...How Many Drops of Blood did I make Him shed and am I doing things that pushed that crown of thorns deeper on his head???
...And now...we wait...